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Dogs - The Dangers of Lungworm

Dogs - The Dangers of Lungworm

The spring months are usually the peak for this danger toy our pet dog.  It is due to the slightly warmer but wet weather that you will see a lot more slugs and snails out and about.  All of them have the potential to be carrying lungworm.  Lungworm is a parasite that is ingested in the larvae stage then grow inside the dog and move into their heart and blood vessels.  It can cause heart problems, breathing problems and pneumonia.  Left untreated it can be fatal.

Dogs will usually pick the parasite up when they are rummaging through the undergrowth, drinking from puddles, eating grass, or generally snuffling around outside.  This is because they can invertedly end up licking or eating slugs or snails and their slime trails.  These are the original hosts of the parasite larvae.

What are the symptoms of a lungworm in dogs?

The main symptoms include:

  • Breathing problems
  • Coughing
  • Tiredness
  • Taking a long time for cuts to clot
  • Changes in behaviour

It is very important that you take immediate action and seek veterinary care should you suspect your dog has lungworm

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